Are you properly leveraging the knowledge and relationships of your personnel ? Are you missing important contact and cross-selling opportunities ? A properly configured CRM system can help you make new contacts and increase revenue.
Are you prepared for e-discovery and litigation against your business ? Without a defined paper and electronic documentation retention plan in place you are opening yourself up to risk.
Are you getting the most for your technology spend ? Are you over-paying for services ? Are you missing technology that would make you staff more efficient and cut down on labor costs ?
Are you ready for your next outage ? What will this cost you ? Our consultants have many years experienced in creating successful business continuity plans.
Are you properly tracking the costs of servicing your clients ? Do you have the technology in place to capture time worked and disbursements ? Do you in a position to use past experience to bid on new work ?
Are you really getting the best value from your vendors? Could you have negotiated a more favorable contract ? We will review your existing vendor contracts and make recommendations for changes or suggest alternate vendors
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